About me

Glow and Thrive, not just survive.

Hi, I’m Jayde.

Although medically I was treated very well throughout all of this, holistically and nutritionally I found there was a gap in the health system. I wasn’t given any other options of how to manage the low iron while I was pregnant other than being refereed to the stock standard tablet that made me feel sick and I was told that there was nothing that I could do to help with my leg cramps and fatigue. When Paige got eczema I was told to put a cream on it rather than looking at how food and gut health might be contributing to her eczema. When I was recovering from having 7 layers of muscle and tissue cut into there was no nutritional or holistic support given to help my recovery, repair the damage or to increase the nutrition value of my breast milk.
It was these things amongst others that sparked my passion as I saw a need for more nutritional and holistic health support during the amazing, fabulous, difficult and wild ride that is pregnancy, labour, birth, postpartum and nourishing a child. With all of this in mind Glowing and Thriving was created.

Hi Im Jayde, I’m a certified Nutrition Consultant specialising in nutrition for pregnancy, postpartum women and babies, a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, a wellness coach with the Healthstyle Emporium and a PDHPE teacher with a Bachelor degree in Human Movement and Health Education.

I have always been interested in all things health and wellness but since having my daughter Paige in March 2021 and navigating my own pregnancy and postpartum journey my passion for pregnancy, postpartum and baby health grew. This led me to my studies with Oh Baby School of Nutrition and the beginning of my very own little business.

While I was pregnant I navigated low iron, fatigue, nausea, pelvic pain, leg cramps, wrestles legs, carpal tunnel and edema. And then, after being in labour for 43 hours I was rushed in for an emergency cesarean and did not see or hold Paige until 5 hours after she was born due to complications with her breathing.

But then, just over a month after I started this business something that I never ever thought would happen to me did, I had a miscarriage. It rocked me to my core, I questioned my body, my health and my ability to run this business. You can read all about my experience here and my recovery here. From this experience I joined The Healthstyle Emporium and have never looked back. Now I mentor women on not only how to get healthier and happier but also how to create an income online around their babies so that they can have freedom, financial independence, health, adventure and be a fabulous mama.

CLICK HERE to check out my services.

And to help you kick start your journey make sure you check out my FREE GUIDES that I have designed just for you.