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Pregnancy nutrition guide

6 foods for a healthier and more nourishing pregnancy.

Throughout pregnancy there are certain nutrients that are essential and they can change depending on what trimester you are in.

Ensuring that you include all of these nutrients in your diet will help support the growth and development of your baby, ensure that you stay healthy and well, help prepare you for labour, help kick start your recovery after birth and also help to support your breastfeeding journey. 

In this guide I have included 6 foods which are the most nutritious in terms of the nutrients that are essential for both you and your baby. Try to include these foods regularly, if not daily, into your diet.

Postpartum recovery guide AND the Glowing and Thriving labour drinks recipes

To help you thrive during labour and postpartum I have created these 2 FREE downloads to ensure that you have a deeply nourishing labour and postpartum experience.

During early labour it is recommended that you try to eat and drink light meals but as your labour progresses you might find that you don't feel like eating much. However, it is still very important that you stay hydrated and give your body the nutrients that it needs to sustain energy.

Also, ensuring that you consume deeply nourishing foods the initial days after giving birth can help promote healing, replenish lost nutrients, provide energy after long nights, support breast milk production and help to rebalance hormones.

Guide to starting solids with your baby

Starting solids with your baby can be an exciting and difficult experience! There is so much information out there it can get confusing!

But I have a solution for you! I have created a FREE guide to starting solids with your baby.

Complete with

  • Developmental signs of readiness

  • My top tips for having a positive solid experience

  • How often you should feed your baby

  • Choking v gagging

  • How and when to introduce the top 9 allergenic foods

  • Recommendations on first foods

Healthy habits check list

Sometimes we get so caught up in the superfoods, health gadgets and the products people are selling on Instagram that we forget to come back to the basics of health. Being healthy and having a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. I have created this checklist as a reminder for you to go back to the basics. It's time for you to reflect on your current lifestyle, diet and habits, and make the necessary changes to improve your overall health.

Whether you are in the preconception phase or are already pregnant or postpartum focus on getting the little things right, these things will go a long way towards reducing the inflammation that may be causing you pain, managing pregnancy fatigue and nausea, increasing your energy, balancing your hormones and improving your fertility, producing breast milk, supporting digestion and increasing your happiness.

Bone Broth recipe

Bone broth full of collagen which is a type of protein that helps to strengthen and support joints, ligaments, muscles and skin. Bone broth is also anti inflammatory, helps to boost the immune system and can help support the gut and healthy digestion.

During pregnancy the skin actually stretches from the inside out so before you see any stretch marks on the surface it has to stretch through several layers of skin. 

With this in mind collagen can be extremely beneficial for 

  • Helping your stomach expand to cater for your growing baby and may reduce the likelihood of stretch marks 

  • May also help your perineum stretch during birth reducing the likelihood of tearing

  • If you do tear or have a cesarean birth collagen can help to heal the damaged skin and tissue

  • Is it also been shown to help tighten loose skin after birth