Coconut blueberry bread

This loaf is perfect for pregnant and postpartum mamas, and babies. It is particularly great for postpartum mamas because it is easy to eat with one hand while nap trapped, has a good balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and can be made prior to birth and frozen ready for when bub arrives. If you know someone getting ready to give birth, don’t buy them flowers or another swaddle (trust me she has enough), instead bake her this handy and delicious coconut blueberry bread. 

If you are making it for a baby under the age of 12 months I would leave out the maple syrup because they do not need the sweetener at this age and the longer we can go without exposing them to added sweeteners the better. However, in saying that if you are making it for the whole family and they have a bit here and there, then that’s fine. It’s important to note that eggs are an allergen so until they have been exposed to these on their own I would not recommend offering them any. Also, usually I would recommend squishing blueberries before serving them to a baby as they are a choking hazard; however, as these are being cooked they will ‘burst’ and be safe to eat. 


  • 3C shredded coconut 

  • 1C oats 

  • 5 eggs

  • ¼ C melted coconut oil

  • ¼ C maple syrup

  • 1tbs vanilla powder

  • 1 tbs baking powder

  • 1 banana 

  • 1C frozen blueberries, or frozen raspberries also work well


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees

  2. Line a loaf pan with baking paper

  3. Put the coconut and oats in a high speed blender or food processor and blend until crumbly and flour like. If you have a thermomix this is about 10 seconds on speed 7. 

  4. Add the eggs, melted coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla powder and baking powder to the blender and mix until combined. If you have a thermomix this is about 30 seconds on speed 4. You could do this by hand if you preferred. 

  5. Add the banana and mix again until well combined. If you have a thermomix this is about 20 seconds on speed 4. If you are mixing by hand, mash the bananas first before adding to the mixture. 

  6. Add the frozen berries. If you are using a blender I would recommend you do this by hand to ensure that you don’t squish the berries too much. If you have a thermomix you can leave the mixture in and mix for about 15 seconds on speed 2 reverse. 

  7. Pour batter into the prepared loaf pan and cook for 45-50 minutes or until brown and cooked through. Test by sticking a fork in the top, it should come out clean. 

  8. Let it cool before slicing. Place in a container and store in the refrigerator.

  9. I like to have mine with grass fed butter on top.


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