Paige was formula and breast fed

When Paige was a baby she was breast and formula fed 😱

For some people this might come as a shock and some people might not agree with it but that’s ok. 

Yes I am a big believer in natural and healthy living, but I am also a big believer in looking after the mama and ensuring that she is getting the rest and support that she needs to thrive. 

Before Paige was born Josh and I both agreed that he would give her a bottle every night so that I could get the sleep that I needed to recover and nurture myself. He would give her a bottle of formula at 10ish pm, change her nappy and put her back to bed. This allowed me to go to bed at about 830-9pm and sleep until 1-2am when she would wake again for a feed. Being able to get 5-6 hours straight sleep was an absolute game changer!

As time went on this bottle slowly came forward in time to about 8:30 pm and lasted until she was about 8 months old. 

Could I have pumped milk? Yep, but honestly I didn’t want to and couldn't be bothered. I don’t even own a breast pump, the closest thing to a pump I have is a Haakaa pump.

For our family and for my health this was the best decision we ever made and I can pretty much guarantee that we will do it again!  Not only was it great for my health but it also gave Josh and Paige some incredible bonding time and meant that when the time came for me to get out and about without Paige she had no problem taking a bottle. 

I went on to breastfeed Paige until she was 12 months old at which time she decided she didn't need boob anymore and actually weaned herself. Which again might come as a shock to most people as it is highly recommended that babies are breastfed until at least 2 years of age, but Paige didn't want any more of it; she just wanted solid food.  

So mama, I encourage you to follow your instincts, nurture yourself first and remember that you matter and how you feel matters, forget what others might think and do what is right for you and your family. 

We used Little Oak formula and glass bottles, which I highly recommend because putting hot liquid in plastic can contaminate the milk with chemicals. 


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