How to hack your health as a mum. 4 tips for getting started on your health journey as a mum.
I know you want to feel good mum, I know you don't want to feel like shit. No one does. But here's the thing, feeling healthy and strong as a mum isn't as simple as it used to be before you had kids, is it doable? Fucking oath!! But I get that it's hard!
There's so much to do, there’s so much noise and the thought of having to make a change, research where to start and actually action it might tip you over the fucking edge. You are barely functioning as it is, although you want to feel good you don't have the mental capacity or energy to take action. I feel you!! And after a long day once the kids are FINALLY in bed it's just easier to switch off and sloth in front of the tv or scroll social media than it is to think about yourself.
But I want you to feel good, I want you to have the energy, body, confidence, happiness and health that you deserve. So here are 4 tips that other coaches won't tell you because they don't get it!!
I know you want to switch off and zone out from life at night time once the kids go to sleep, so do that mama, but set a timer on your phone for 20 min for scrolling socials. Give yourself the time to zone out and switch off but once that timer goes off it's time to take action and do something towards your health. Take this time after your scroll to stretch, get your clothes out and ready for the gym in the morning, pack your lunch, cook a healthy snack, read a book or anything else that's actually going to help you get the health you want.
Identify what's causing the overwhelm. The reason you can't put yourself first is because you don't have the brain capacity to do it. So what’s causing your brain to be so full? Housework? Work? Relationships and poor communication? Money? Work out what it is and fix that first before you start thinking about changing your diet or exercising more, get to the root of why you don't have the brain capacity to change your health. That's why in Mum School I've included support and resources for all areas of your life from home, money, relationships, feminine energy, parenting etc because unless you sort those things out and get your head right you probably aren't going to have the capacity to change your overall lifestyle.
Set one small goal, and I mean small. So small you can't fail. Like drinking 500ml of extra water. Don't change everything, just one small thing. This will give your brain and body the confidence boost you need to keep going so that next week you can make another tiny change. Some examples: Drink 500ml of extra water, get up 10 min earlier in the morning, eat an apple a day, do 5 deep breaths in the morning, foam roll for 10 min a day. If you need some guidance, grab your FREE healthy habits checklist for busy mums and take the thinking out of it while also having a visual to actually keep you on track and doing it daily.
Surround yourself with inspiration. Fuck off the accounts that make you feel bad, stop listening to the radio and watching the news. Instead follow people who inspire you to be better and listen to a podcast or audio book that’s going to motivate you to reach your potential. If you are continually surrounded by negative people and thoughts you won't be able to ever make the changes to your health that you desire.
Some accounts and podcasts to follow
Stephen Cabral Podcast
Darin Olien podcast
Heal Thy Self with Dr G podcast. Apple podcast. Spotify
Merry maker sisters .Get Merry podcast
Some great documentaries to watch in health instead of that reality Tv you've been watching
Chris Hemsworth documentary series Limitless
If you loved this, come over to instagram and tell me what you loved. Or if you are ready to deep dive into you health and need some support to do so head over the Mum School to get started, or go one step further and work 1:1 with me and let me hold your hand so that you can have more energy, confidence, less stress and happiness that you deserve.